Jason Becker
April 16, 2018

Our day of sleeping was long and hard.

April 14, 2018
April 7, 2018

The new Apple Store is gorgeous. I feel like you always see it from the river, but what impresses me is the richness of architecture in view.

April 6, 2018

This is totally the content I want as a @theincomparable member.

March 19, 2018

Thinking a lot about how advertising targeting men is different than advertising targeting women.

March 10, 2018
March 8, 2018


I may have over ordered BBQ and ended up with some serious meat sweats.


The Al Pastor at Veracruz is the best I’ve ever had.


As my time in a city increases, the likelihood that I will spend an hour at an independent bookstore approaches 1.

March 6, 2018

At Grandpa and Grandma’s house for March.

February 19, 2018

We’re so tired after a visiting from grandpa, grandma, and aunt.

February 17, 2018

My typical Saturday position. Just missing the Kindle.

It’s been 9 long years that I haven’t had my amp and pedal board in my home. Here’s hoping I play more this next 9 years. (And get my other guitars here!)

February 16, 2018

Get you a weather app that understands your feels.

February 14, 2018
February 7, 2018

Solid work view for this Baltimore resident.

January 21, 2018
January 13, 2018

I am traumatized by my lack of smelling horrible.

I still love these humans, even though they torture me. #postshowerthoughts #quetrauma

January 2, 2018
January 1, 2018
December 16, 2017
November 23, 2017

Upgraded to first class for the last leg of the drive