Snowghazi supplies.
Snow drifts say: YOU SHALL NOT PASS
“Everything the light touches is my kingdom.”
In position for blizzard. “Papas, I don’t care if it doesn’t start for another day.”
Just another day at the office.
How I’m given samples at home.
Apparently I can’t be trusted.
Some of that home made ravioli from the other night.
More adventures in our completed kitchen.
Note: This is what every meal in my house is like when @edure is around and we have a functioning kitchen.
That’s @edure nailing it again.
That’s @edure killing it with #blueapron
Just some of the @allovuebalance extended family tonight at #1106party
Me and Martina, ca 1992. #tbt
Don’t wake up early in the morning to pee unless you’re ok with losing your spot.
Got these in gold. Wearing non-stop. First pair of sunglasses since I was 9 and went prescription only.
This is what happens when you attend a graduation and forget sunblock.
Sleepy Monday.
Goodnight, Providence.
Lazy Sunday
Sleepies in Bellmore.
Waking up next to Gracie.