Jason Becker
March 6, 2022
February 27, 2022

You like garlic bread? How about when I add some roast beef and pepper jack?

February 13, 2022

Maybe I should have worked from here for the week…

February 2, 2022

I love how mascs wear “compression pants” and femmes wear “leggings”.

The Office, 'It's the same picture,' meme.

No matter how many times I tell her, Gracie doesn’t mind that begging me for snacks for hours isn’t very lady like.

Gracie and Brandy on my lap on the couch.
January 23, 2022
January 22, 2022

I added deli mustard and Aardvark hot sauce to the just ok yogurt-based dressing I have. Perfection.

Salad with romaine, red peppers, tomatos, olives, cucumber, grilled chicken, and a speckled, creamy dressing.
January 17, 2022
January 9, 2022

Stop what you’re doing right now. It’s sumo season.

Sumo citrus on gray counter
January 1, 2022
December 24, 2021

Plotting the number of bagels my body wants over time, as I approach bagel eating, the curve rises to a local maxima of 1. Just after finishing the bagel, the plateau shoots up almost instantaneously to 3.5 bagels. This is known as the “peak of deception”, because if I’m smart enough to wait t=10 minutes post bagel, the curve dips to -1.

December 16, 2021

Over an hour delay post boarding. I will be demanding a full can of Diet Coke for this inconvenience. At least I had time for Root Down before the flight.

Three breakfast tacos on a wood table.
December 12, 2021

Resisting the urge to pour several cups of rice into the remains of these ridiculously good Dan Dan noodles.

December 11, 2021
December 8, 2021
December 7, 2021

Looking at some real data1 in Allocate, Allovue’s tool for resource allocation modeling. Two different funding formulas, with a total cost with in 0.5% of each other. Look at the swings on a per-school basis.

Table showing an increase of over 40% per pupil funding in some schools and a 14% decline in others.

Without reviewing results, both models seem like reasonable choices. The variance is astonishing.

  1. If you’re wondering why the math is all wrong, that’s because I didn’t want to show actual district data. I edited the DOM to fudge all the numbers to ensure that I was not revealing any privileged, private, or identifiable data while accurately representing a real situation. ↩︎