Jason Becker

It feels like Baltimore outside in Baltimore and I don’t like it.

I’m thinking about getting rid of this pedal after… 16 years. But the insides are just so pretty, maybe I’ll hold onto it.

The image displays the inside of a guitar effects pedal labeled “Monsterpiece Fuzz 2 Headed Monster.” The enclosure is open, revealing electronic components, including potentiometers, resistors, capacitors, and wiring. The cover features a handwritten signature.

I think Biden’s poll numbers will look deceptively strong these next two weeks. Those of us who understand the stakes are going to be desperate to show our support and be more likely to answer a poll.

I’m not done with Season 3 yet, but my take on The Bear:

Season 1: who are they? Season 2: who are they trying to become? Season 3: why are they? What’s at stake?

I saw the title “A Curiously Short Episode” for The Talk Show and went, “well… it can’t be Jason Snell, it’s probably John Moltz.”

Nailed it.

The people who think season 3 of The Bear is no good are people who are looking for something completely different than I am.

Fuck, I said I wasn’t going to read it and then I did. The Slate review of The Bear Season 3 is a terrible take. Like most terrible take, it can be summed up as, “They didn’t make the show I wanted them to make.”


I’m about to leave my first 1 star review on Lyft.

First new pedal day of the week. I was looking for a modulation effect. I was not looking for dirt. But damn, BSRI has amazing dirt pedals.

Two guitar effect pedals on a dark wooden surface. The left pedal is labeled “Magawa” with controls for Volume, Contour, Filter, and Texture, and the text “Baltimore Sonic Research Institute.” The right pedal is labeled “Resurrect Dead on Planet Jupiter” with controls for velocity, width, enhance, intensity, and range. It is also from Baltimore Sonic Research Institute.

After years of using Firefly as my devices theme, I’ve renamed everything for where it goes. My devices are now:

  • In My Ears
  • On My Wrist
  • In My Pocket
  • On My Desk
  • In My Bag
  • At the Couch

They overturned Chevron. The destruction of the 20th century American state is complete, and we’re going to enter dark times of a somehow tyrannical and sclerotic government all at once, left to the whims of an unaccountable judiciary that has destroyed institutional legitimacy.

We’re going to talk about Joe Biden being old today instead of the complete restructuring of American government structure at the hands of this court, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Judicial activism is going to be just fine now that Trump loaded the judiciary with Aileen Cannons.

So now we’re going to need courts as large as the administrative state since they’re going to have to decide on everything? Seriously, I can’t even picture how far this decision can take us.

Mars Express was excellent. I wish I had caught it in theaters.


I really don’t like that The Bear is all out at once. This is a show that should have weekly buzz. And also, I don’t want to gulp it down, but I think I’ll have to in order to deal with all the public conversation. Sigh.


At the Atomic Book club last night, I was just about the only person who liked the book of around 25 people. I was glad to go nearly last, and happy I had long decided my open comment was, “Some books I love and want to hand to everyone. This book I loved, but I have no idea who it is for, except maybe me.”

I was, however, disappointed to learn more about the author. What I read as a brilliant, very aware, attempt to build a very specific kind of art with a specific message, may, in fact, be a straight, earnest take. There’s a whole project around this work. One of the other things I decided to share before book club was, “I hope this is the only book he’s written like this. It would be a sign of his skill if this was built with an intent to go for a very specific language and intent versus this just being how he writes.” That seems… not to be true.

Oh well, death to the artist.


I’ve been using VS Code a bunch the last few working days in part to see how well GitHub Copilot works and I have to say the autocomplete is incredible for things like a big refactor. It’s like what people with advanced IDEs always do except 0 learning curve.

GitHub copilot is not much beyond the absolute best autocomplete someone could probably build going deeper into LSPs, but it’s pretty great at helping me move as fast as I think.

I’m down to 15 failed tests and dammit, I’m showing all the restraint I can walking away at almost 9pm. This doesn’t need to be done today. I’m already further than I thought I’d be.

I stayed up too late and bought a guitar pedal.