I know that Matt works in payments so he definitely loves Apple opening up the NFC chip for payments (including double tap to pay), but I’m personally terrified. I have at least 8 payment instruments with like 6 different issuers in my Apple Wallet. When they each retreat to their own app that wants to be my default, my life is going to get harder.

And I really do think this is a when— prior to Apple Pay, in the US, banks and credit cards avoided contactless pay like the plague. I don’t want to have to make Chase or Amex or my bank a default and lose easy access to switching and changing payment methods at will. There’s no world where I’m advantaged by any system produced by a first party payments company. In fact, we saw what happened when they tried their own QR code nonsense (lookup CurrentC to learn about this shit future we’re reintroducing).

Secure payments like this should be a platform feature. Like age verification technology, I want this extremely secure, extremely embedded, and providing little specific value to the platform creator.

I’m worried after years of the perfect electronic wallet, I’m about to get a mess.