I’m still dealing with viral keratitis. Most of the pain is gone, but I can still use just one contact lens. I can see ok like this (I can legally drive because my “bad” eye is the one that is not infected so my vision is actually corrected just fine). But the difference in vision still leaves me with a low grade headache most of the day. And although my eye itself is no longer in a lot of pain, I am still having some soreness around my brow and below the eye (I’ve been calling this “orbital pain” but who knows if that’s accurate.

For this reason, and just the way my calendar worked out, this week was particularly grueling at work. It just felt like constant pressure and a fair bit of exhaustion.

Despite that, now that we’re nearing the end, there were some nice things that happened. Today I got some really positive feedback from one of our customers directly and I indirectly heard about some solid validation on what we’ve been cooking. I had a couple of one-on-ones where I got to quick agreement and an action plan that we feel good about. There were rough parts of the week too, where things are not going as planned or smoothly. But I’m glad that after a week that felt endless, what I remember at 9pm on a Thursday were a few bright spots.

Tomorrow I am headed back to the eye doctor. I am not confident I’ll get the ok to put back in my right lens, but I’m choosing to be hopeful. It’d be real nice to be able to see and get rid for this dang headache.