The BSRI Magawa sounds great on it’s own, but it’s a bit noisy in my setup and may not be quite right as my main dirt.

I’m really curious about some of the dual overdrives out there for a bit more stacking and maybe using the built in boost in the Maz as more of a solo boost (right now, it’s setup basically as great overdrive– pushes the amp where I’d set the gain on my own to just use amp gain which is actually my favorite tone).

Maybe, given how much I love the gain on the Maz, I actually want something that’s more of a flat boost out in front of the amp. I play a G&L Legacy – basically a strat– with a really hot Fralin SP43 in the bridge 1. I’ve got plenty of honk, and I also tend to play my amp with a lot of mids. I don’t think I want a Tubescreamer style mid hump for my gain/overdrive.

I don’t know– I’m a bit lost on what I’m really looking for in my gain stacking at the moment.

Meanwhile, I know I want a new fuzz (buy my current fuzz please!). I probably should just get the orange OP Amp Big Muff – I love the Pumpkins. But I’m a little paralyzed– I know at the moment I’m looking for that shoegaze wall-of-sound style.

Of course, the real thing I should be buying is probably a Tele, 335, or LP. But… you know. GAS2.

  1. I am, however, quite curious about the Split Steel Pole Strat, which would give me a similar level of output with hum cancelling. Very curious. ↩︎

  2. Gear Acquisition Syndrome ↩︎