I am rewatching Rogue One. For a moment, I was doubting whether I liked it quite as much as I remembered. I think this is only my third watch— once in theaters, once at home when it was first available.

There’s a moment an hour and twenty minutes in when Bail Organa tells Mon Mothma that he will send for his friend the jedi, turns off, and in the background says, “Captain Antilles, I have a mission for you.”

And for whatever reason in this moment, I felt that feeling in my throat. I felt a small set of tears begin to form. Because at this moment, the die is cast. Jyn and Cassian are on their way to Scarif, and this one moment begins what I know is the march toward tragedy, and hope. And after all of this time, it still wallops me.

So yeah, I think Rogue One is a pretty good movie.