Jason Becker

Talk to me about strap locks. My guitar strap, which feels and appears secure, has failed too often.

Taylor Swift fans on the internet have fully transitioned from “I guess it’s cute and girls should get to enjoy things” to “this is getting weird and feels kind of dangerous” to “fully unhinged”.

Love if you love her and she brings you joy but people are cracking up out here.


I’ve been pretty sure my next guitar should be a tele (or T-type), but the Jim Adkins JA90 and PRS NF3 are both catching my eye. The P90/overwound pickups have me very curious, especially since I used an overwound Fralin SP43 in my G&L Legacy. 👀

Stunning these quotes come a paragraph apart in the first 10% of the same book.

Looking back, I spent a lot of my early 20s trying to save relationships that weren’t worth the trouble. I think I knew this at the time-some part of me must have-still, I soldiered on, pushing for a thing that could not be found (or found again, or in the same shape).

There’s a special kind of insensibility that comes to you in your early-young adulthood. It has nothing to do with a lack of intelligence and it’s harmless (until i’s not) and it must be weathered, survived, and grown out of. It comes from not from proven wrong enough or with sufficient repercussions, from stumbling into more triumphs than you’ve had defeats. It’s something you can go far with if you use it well and if others believe in your power as much as you do. This is a glory that is fleeting at best.

Both of these are from This is the End of Something but it’s Not the End of You. I’m not sure I’ve capitalized that right.


Yeah, The Wonder Years covering Deadbolt is as good as everyone says.

Our new record player is here. It’s close to setup— I have to clear out a part of our TV stand/cabinet to fit it in next to the receiver and plug everything in tomorrow. Then I’ll level the turntable and get the time arm balanced. Should I play MONO - Oath or We Lost the Sea - Departure Songs first?

So we’ve just given up on inflation meaning… well… inflation, and just accept everyone says inflation but means prices, huh? And we’ll vote for people who say they’ll lower prices even though that would drive us into a deep recession?



Apparently we had a huge flying cockroach on the fourth floor. Where did this fucker come from? Please don’t bring friends.


I remember how it felt realizing I was past the age that red eyes work for me. I’m officially past the age that jet lag is no big deal. Not loving this part of aging.

Because of the way that I use RSS and social media applications, I rarely open a browser and just browse. What are the sites you head to directly in your browser every day?

I’m now writing a riff at a rate of about one per week that I want to bring to the band. It’s the most creative I’ve been in a very long time.

For the first time in my life, I have an idea for an app that would be worth learning Swift for. I don’t think I’m going to do it (yet), but now I have a project for some future sabbatical or involuntary interregnum between jobs.

So far, 37 is filled with a lot of “so, it’s just going to feel like that from now on, huh?”


A story about 5 over 1s is on the front page of Hacker News and I am exercising every ounce of restraint to not read what I am sure is a dumpster-fire comment section.

I know our trip was a success because Elsa said the magic millennial words, “I could live here.”

Planes have great airflow, but they’re also great places to add UV to clean germs. I guess the technology on planes change slow, but still surprising we didn’t see this improvement during the heights of COVID.

The treatment of transgendered youth (and adults, of course, but fucking children!) in this country is the most vile, cruel shit out there and people who think that this is something the left should bend on are not my people.

Purposely downloaded some stuff before flying onto my iPad on the Plex app. Made sure it said 100% complete before leaving. Guess what was not complete and downloaded? Sigh.

A good short post on how supply cannot solve housing costs immediately. But it also makes another key point: you’re not going to be the cost of construction with supply. We can use reform to decrease the costs of construction, but that tends to be seen as a developer handout.

Love when it’s late and I’m exceptional tired and uncomfortable after a cross country flight and the Lyft driver just doesn’t follow GPS.